Family of a Giant Panda

Hello everyone! Welcome to another presentation on IN THE WHITE. I hope you all are doing fine and in good health too.

There are numerous animal species in the world, who have their own beauty and spatiality.  Among those is a charming animal of the bear family called Panda. The reason I call it charming is because of its round shaped face and black & white color. Its cuteness is as such, that an anguish person can forget their anger, the sad can brighten up with delight and a non-animal lover’s heart be melted with love.

In today’s write-up I will be highlighting some of the interesting facts about giant pandas, so be sure to read it till the end.

Facts about Giant Pandas

A sitting Giant Panda

A panda’s body is designed in such a way that it can protect itself in both cool and warm conditions. Its whiter part helps hide in the snow, while the black fur assists pelting in the shade.   

Panda’s eyes have vertical slit pupils, a feature that distinguishes them from other bear species.  

Just like babies are close to their mother when they are born, there is no difference when it comes to animals. Mother Panda keeps its cubs attached to it for nearly a month. Attachment is not the main reason why they keep their babies intact.

In fact, pandas are born blind and helpless. They are so stranded that the fetus cannot excrete waste on its own or regulate its body temperature due to its small size and pinkish skin color. So they rely on their mother for milk and protection.

At five months old baby pandas learn to climb, sometimes they practice this by climbing on their mum.

Pandas sometimes do handstands- they climb a tree backwards with their hindfeet until they are in a full handstand mode.

This gorgeous creature has an extended wrist bone which they use like a thumb to grip food. 


What do Pandas eat?

A Panda eating bamboo stock

Bamboos are critical to a panda’s diet. They need a minimum of two bamboo species in a bid for survival.

Pandas spend about 10-16 hours feeding on bamboos.

This does not mean they do not eat anything else, they do eat other plants and small animals, eggs, carrions, pumpkin and kidney beans.


Habitat and other characteristics of a Giant Panda

A Panda in itsnatural envionment

Pandas are normally found in temperate forests high in the mountains of southwest China.

A giant panda has a lifespan of up to 20 years.

Its maximum height could go up to 90 centimeters and minimum 60 centimeters.

An adult panda can weigh around 70-120 kilograms. With a gestation period of 95-160 days. 

According to the 2014 census data collected by the World Wildlife Fund, there are 1,864 pandas left in the wild.

While this may be a good news in some sense, let’s hope more pandas are born and its population increases, for our future generation to see this adorable animal.

With those words, I hope you enjoyed reading this presentation as well as fond it interesting. Thank you.

One thought on “THE PANDA FAMILY

  1. A very good piece of article about Panda’s.
    In my visit to Chongchinq China, I did go to Chongqing Zoo especially to see the Panda. Yes, it is a very beautiful and intelligent animal. Yes, I saw the Panda’s eating bamboo they were loaded with cuteness in whatever they did to entertain the public.
    Great pick Mr D Nand


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